Managing Conference Call Services
Distance and time have a way of hampering communication and interaction in an organization. In a global economy where competition is at the highest level, every edge counts. That is why conference call services have recently come into vogue. Even when travel is cost or time prohibitive, there is still a way to get together and discuss strategy and planning.
Your Options
Reservationless conference call services enable you to set up meetings without a lot of planning. Participants are merely given the information that will allow them to join the call. You can conduct a call with any given number of people in separate locations at a moment's notice. Reservationless conferencing is also lower in cost. The disadvantage is that security in this type of service is lacking. You will also personally have to handle the comings and goings of all the participants in the call. Operator-assisted conference call services basically assign the logistics of the call to someone else. This way, you can focus on what the meeting is about. These services are costlier, but offer more value for your money. There are added security features including monitoring of participants, roll calls, and wrap-up reports. The operator can also handle additional parties to the call and help resolve any technical issues that may arise. Operator-assisted conferences have proven particularly useful in deal-making sessions.
If The Price Is Right
Conference call services are generally billed on a per-use basis. Most do not require long term agreements. There is also no need to use the same service as that which handles other aspects of your operations. You are free to experiment with alternatives to find out which is best for your needs. The pricing is usually per minute and per person. Pricing has experienced a drop in recent years. Flat rate pricing is also gaining popularity and is suitable if you have a high volume of calls and people in those calls. Only you can determine which is best for your situation.
There may be additional fees for features, such as call recording and translation. Conference call services can vary greatly in this regard. You can check which features they include as standard in any package that they offer. If you are a high volume user, you may be eligible for discounts. Also, look for tiered pricing as this may offer you flexibility in your particular situation.
The Deal Breakers
Technical support should be a primary factor in your decision. There is nothing worse than finally setting up a meeting with VIPs and having to fiddle with the telephone while they are all waiting. Even worse is the conferencing service that fails to hang up while you're already discussing the call in the office. Can you say awkward? Finally, check for lower rates if the calls are local. Chances are you can save even more money for the company in this area and show what a fiscally responsible executive you are. And that is great for the company and great for you.
Manage conference call services. Learn about free conference calling and what is VoIP. Visit today.
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