Saturday, July 12, 2008

Xbox 360 Repair And What You Should Know

The Xbox 360 was hailed as the answer to Sony's up and coming PS3, a machine that would take gaming to the next level and surpass the level of gaming that Sony's Ps2 had enjoyed. Backed by one of the most powerful companies in the world (Microsoft) it had everything going for it, the graphics were breath taking and the game play exceeded the expectations of even the most critical gamer. But with all things that are software and hardware based, there are possibilities that things may not go as planned. In the case of the Xbox 360, this all became to apparent after it released and a slew of sites around the internet began reporting cases of hardware failure that ultimately meant an Xbox 360 repair was needed.

One of the main causes of the Xbox's problems was overheating. Due to the nonstop game play that these consoles were experiencing they began to overheat which meant the Xbox required an Xbox 360 repair. Poor ventilation was another reason that some of these consoles were experiencing hardware failures. If you do experience a problem with your Xbox then the first step you will want to take is to check to see if you are under warranty. If you are one of the lucky ones that still do have a warranty then that's great, you can either choose to have a replacement console or and Xbox 360 Repair. Make sure however that if your Xbox is still under warranty you should not try and open the console at any costs as this will in fact void your warranty and you will not be able to get a free Xbox 360 repair.

However if on the other hand you have had your Xbox 360 for a while and it no longer is under warranty you may want to try and fix the console yourself or you can choose to send it to a Xbox 360 repair service center where they can fix it for you at a cost that is likely to be in excess of $100. In addition you will have to wait a few weeks before they can actually repair it and send it back to you.

As we mention previously you may want to try an Xbox 360 repair yourself. There are many guides that are now available on the internet that can take you step by step through the repair process. I recommend that if you do purchase one of these guides that you make sure they offer video instructions as well as just the process of taking apart the Xbox 360 can be quite daunting itself but when you are actually watching somebody do it you can follow along which makes the whole process easier. There are currently several websites that offer eBook and detailed video instructions of Xbox disassembly, the Xbox repair itself and of course the Xbox reassembly so you should exercise due diligence when choosing which product to purchase. The Xbox 360 repair itself (when heat related) is quite simple and can often be done in less than an hour.

Iziah Walker - Webmaster of, a free resource site showing you Xbox 360 Repair Videos.

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Getting Connected With T1 Phone Line

A normal home or small office has a standard copper or fiber optic phone line which transmits voice signals at a certain speed per second. Basic phone lines can also be used to connect computer modems. A certain amount of data can be exchanged through the phone line from a computer.

This is appropriate for home or home office use; however, businesses often employ multiple staff and connect multiple computers and telephones. A standard phone line would not be able to handle the amount of voice and data traffic generated by a medium to large-sized office.

The answer to getting businesses connected is T1 phone lines. These phone lines allow for 60 times the amount of data to be communicated via telephone and computer.

T1 phone lines are most effective for small businesses with 8 to 24 phone lines and for federal or government agencies which received discounted rates. As businesses grow, they require more storage space for data.

At this point, T1 phone lines are not enough to serve the needs of the business. Most ISPs (Internet Service Providers) charge exorbitant fees to increase storage capacity.

The answer is to upgrade to a T3 line which allows high-volume data exchange for medium to large-sized businesses. The T3 is 50 times faster than a 56k modem. This will help large offices meet the needs of their customers and enable staff to work more efficiently.

T1 Phone Line Trouble

T1 lines can be costly due to the fact that they offer 24 channels. Most businesses rent the lines as well as paying monthly rates for their Internet Service Provider and telephone service provider.

It is only cost-effective to use this type of fiber optic phone line when high volumes of data are being exchanged on a daily basis. An option for businesses with varying amounts of data is the partial T1 line.

This line can be rented at a discounted rate. The cost is cheaper because businesses only gain access to part of a T1 phone line. Businesses do not obtain access to all 24 channels at the same time but do gain access to several channels. Businesses also get the added benefit of high speed service at a reduced price.

As mentioned earlier, larger businesses will benefit by upgrading from T1 to T3 service. This service is much faster and can handle various multimedia at a high exchange rate. T1 phone lines are adequate for growing small businesses that utilize Internet and phone service on a daily basis.

Article written by Van Theodorou, he gives a free consultation to see if you can slash money off your telecom expenses, including low cost sip termination and guaranteed lowest rates on voice t1 lines.

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